
Guide to setting out non-fixed seating

  • Posted on: 25 January 2015
  • By: harvey-old
Harvey Banner
industry news

As mentioned in section 5 of our previous blog, "6 things to consider when creating well designed conference spaces" WE have now completed our "Guide to setting out non fixed seating". The guide can be downloaded below underneath the visuals, but if you would like any assistance with specifying or laying out seating or conference spaces then please feel free to contact us on 020 7736 6636.  

...Read more

New Version of the Working Environments Furniture website

  • Posted on: 25 January 2015
  • By: harvey-old
Harvey Banner

WE have brought you a new version of our wesbite for 2015. It brings a number of technical improvements as well as:

  • Improved search functionality
  • Improved Brands page and associated links
  • Greater flexibility with adding products and images to allow us to keep the portfolio updated more regularly
  • Improved social media links
  • Improved and more intuitive enquiries forms

Whilst we have listened to our clients requirements and made the...Read more

Workspace Canalot Studios

  • Posted on: 4 December 2014
  • By: admin
Harvey Banner
recent projects

The new workspace atrium and cafe is now open at Canalot studios and WE were very pleased to supply the furniture for this vibrant space.

Visitors are welcomed by some concrete chesterfield sofas and coffee tables, which look very much like the real thing, so sit down carefully!...Read more

JKR and the Apprentice

  • Posted on: 27 November 2014
  • By: admin
Harvey Banner
recent projects

One of our favourite offices and clients have been on the TV again recently in the branding exercise on The Apprentice. I think the Apprentices themselves found the task more than a little challenging, but great to see the JKR offices on the big screen! Also great to see the JKR cats getting in on the action with the filming in the meeting rooms. Have a look on i Player - Advertising - New York Link.

Another small video from JKR...Read more

Workspace Meeting Rooms

  • Posted on: 11 September 2014
  • By: admin
Harvey Banner
recent projects

WE recently completed furnishing the refurbished meeting rooms at Workspace groups meeting rooms in the Canterbury Court, Clerkenwell and Canalot sites. Working with Generate Studio the project utilised the CPH30 meeting table from Hay with the linoleum worktop and the About a chair, also from Hay. The chairs were supplied in a couple of different finishes to...Read more

The Park - Canterbury Court

  • Posted on: 5 September 2014
  • By: admin
Ben Woodger
recent projects

The installation of the Alcove seating at Canterbury Court took  place over the Summer. Workspace Group created some additional breakout/meeting space for their tennants on the mezzanine area of Canterbury Court in Kennington Park.

Working with Generate studio, WE supplied some alcove seating to create some great meeting...Read more

Intu Lakeside Foodcourt

  • Posted on: 5 September 2014
  • By: admin
Ben Woodger
recent projects

Redesign and refurbishment of the central food court in one of Britains largest shopping centres. Intu Lakeside shopping centre in Thurrock Essex is the 7th largest shopping centre in the country and as part of ongoing major investment in the centre, the food court area has undergone a major facelift. 
...Read more

6 things to consider when creating well designed conference space

  • Posted on: 6 August 2014
  • By: admin
Harvey Banner

WE are often asked for assistance in creating a good looking and functional conference space. To try and help with this we have presented a quick shortlist on how to achieve this goal.

Shown below are some very real concerns that should be addressed when specifying seating for conference centres and auditoriums and some of our examples of where the advice has been followed.

1. Comfort

When the people watching a presentation are squirming in their seat...Read more

Victoria Place Shopping Centre

  • Posted on: 4 August 2014
  • By: admin
Harvey Banner
recent projects

One of our recent shopping centre food court projects is the Victoria shopping centre in Londons Victoria train station.


As part of Victoria Place Shopping Centres remodelling works, Working Environments worked alongside Haskoll architects to help specifiy and supply the central foodcourt loose furniture package.

The Catifa 44 chair in a range...Read more

Chairs for Cyprus Gallery

  • Posted on: 23 July 2014
  • By: admin
Harvey Banner
recent projects

WE have been working with A.G. Leventis Gallery in Nicosia, Cyprus, to source and supply the seating for the auditorium space in their new museum. Staff from the museum came to Clerkenwell last year to look at seating options and after a few showroom visits they decided on the Theo chair from Chorus Furniture.  

The...Read more
