Interesting ideas for your office

Works a beach
WE have been compiling some pinterest boards which you may find of interest, and you may be able to help us develop them further! The criteria here is for it to be out of the ordinary but still providing a solution to a requirement. Such as the relaxing beach desk above! Alternatively why not use an aquarium as a divider through an office.
Fishy dividers
The first board we have created is called "interior Ideas" and if you follow the link you will see some of the more original ideas for creating a buzz in your office or using what may seem to be dead space. For example rather than a stairwell why not create a netted "crash space". A very unique idea and I think you would struggle to use that space for anything else!
Study time or hanging around?
Alternatively you may want to create a calmer environment by using something like the Living wall?
Living Wall
As a final example how about a firing range in your office! I'm assuming this is an airgun but even for this there must have been some Health and safety issues to get round. Mind you this office is in South Africa and their office regs may be more flexible than ours?
Firing range, the ultimate cool off space!
Whatever unusual item you would like to see in your office space, WE would like to know about it. Please send your ideas to or send us a message via our Facebook or Twitter pages.